Pour Over
Whether you're new to using a Bee House, a Kalita wave or maybe you’re an expert with a V60, achieving your best brew involves a few expert tips. Remember to use fresh coffee and adapt your grind and proportions according to your personal preference.
Ratio Brew Time
15.1:1 3 Minutes
We recommend starting with a 15.5:1 ratio (20 grams of coffee to 300 grams of water), but your taste may land anywhere between a 15:1 to 17:1 ratio. To figure out how much water to use weigh out your coffee and multiply it by your preferred ratio.
For example, for a 16:1—25g of coffee x 16 = 400g of water.
Step 4.
As you begin to pour the water, start your timer. You will create a “Bloom” in the coffee. Add 60 grams of water over the grounds and allow them to sit for 30 seconds.
Step 5.
After 30 seconds, pour water over the coffee in continuous circles. 60 grams every 30 secs until you reach 300 grams.
Step 6.
Let the coffee continue to drain into your decanter. Your total brew time should be 3 minutes. After the water has completely drained, remove the filter with the coffee grounds and serve right away. Enjoy!